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Stop the Stereotypes! Defining your bass guitar straps

August 16, 2014 2 min read

Black leather bass guitar strap.

Stop the Stereotypes! Defining your bass guitar straps

Tired of walking into a gig and being stared up and down by gawking spectators who are already deciding if they like you – before you play? You are the bass guitarist, so of course you are the “smart one.” We all know the stereotypes: drummers are cocky, guitarists are the most talented and the singers always get the girls. Everyone knows the bass player just took the easy way out, right?  In reality, most bass guitarists are overlooked and considered dispensable. It sounds harsh, but it is so often the label outsiders assume.

We spend so much time and effort purchasing that perfect guitar; unique, trendy and completely a la mode. Our labors are spent browsing the internet for the hippest and most  body that complements our personality. Just as bass guitarists are often overlooked, so are their guitar straps.

Your guitar strap is like your handshake. It says a lot about you, whether you know it or not. It is about the defining moment when you step on the stage. Viewers are not just gaping at your hair, or staring at your wardrobe – they are defining your dexterity to make your way around your four strings by numerous factors. One of those factors: your bass guitar straps.

Do not be defined by your strap. Let your strap be defined by you. StrapGraphics offers fully customized guitar straps that will not only accurately characterize your personality, but help change those predisposition stereotypes about bass guitarists everywhere.

We are in the business to make a change. We want to help redefine the naïve notions assumed by those outside the industry by changing the industry from the inside out. Whether you want to look cool, ramp up your wardrobe, or just shake it up a little; Strap Graphics has something to offer for every bass guitarists.

For more information on customizing your bass guitar straps and help put a stop to adolescent stereotypes, contact us.