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Love Your Acoustic Guitar Strap?

July 14, 2014 2 min read

Acoustic Guitar Player with a hat.

Love Your Acoustic Guitar Strap?

Close your eyes and picture the musician. Standing on a street corner, picking and strumming a beaten acoustic. The acoustic guitar strap is an irreplaceable part of that iconic image. The music may be country, rock or blues but when you see that acoustic player the strap and what it does for the player is part of the performance.

When you first start playing an acoustic you start play sitting down, but eventually all of us want to stand up and play, and that moment is when you discover the importance of your strap! A bad strap hurts your shoulder, and makes playing a nightmare. The intricacies of playing can become impossible with a neck breaking, throat cutting, shoulder busting cord. How did Elvis ever stand those things?

The first good strap that you get is a revelation. Suddenly you don’t feel like you have a baby grand strapped to your chest — you have a lean, mean support machine that becomes a part of your gig.

Now that you know what it means to have a good strap, you probably want a strap that fits your attitude. Here at StrapGraphics we have great, comfortable straps with attitude. Straps designed by Ed Hepp, leather straps plaid straps, cultured straps — a look for every player and every guitar.

And if you want even more attitude, what about a custom strap? Design your own strap and upload the design to us and get a beautiful custom strap that is made for only you.

Want to talk about straps for your axe? Contact us, we love talking music, guitars and straps!